Water additive greatly improves water's ability to control dust.
Meets new OSHA Milling Machine Dust Control Spec. 1926.1153

Clear sealant to eliminate wind dust erosion
One-shot solution
Successfully manage the EPA and your neighbors
Reinvigorated by rain and doesn't wash out
Only product that controls new and old dust on a daily basis

Safe, effective, and economical "do-it-yourself" dust control solution to control dust on unpaved roads.
100% biodegradable/safe for aquatic life.
Welcome To Zircon Industries, Inc.
Manufacturer of Specialty Chemical Products
Zircon Industries Inc. is an industrial specialty chemical manufacturer that has been in business for over 40 years and has distinguished itself as a reliable company whose products work. Zircon Industries was founded in 1970 by management and technical experts with many years of experience with the largest chemical corporations in the industry.
Zircon Industries, has adhered to an extensive R&D program to improve old standby products, and to develop new ones. Our product line is very specialized to keep quality control high. By maintaining high credibility through the years, Zircon Industries has achieved steady growth to a great extent by 'word of mouth'.